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Disclosure or Order Execution

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The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Rule 605 (formerly 11Ac1-5) mandates that stock exchanges, dealers, and other market centers provide selected data on selected order executions.

Monthly Statistics

The files below have been compressed in .zip format.

Please note that this information may not be directly comparable to data displayed by other market centers due to differences in market structures and computation methods. SEC-required data does not account for quoted depth in spread calculations, the economic impact of order flow payment on brokerage customers, the costs of institutional trading, or the many criteria that encompass a cost-effective order routing strategy.

As of November 19, 2020, NYSE Rule 605 data for April 2016 to August 2020 has been restated. Further details can be found on the Restated Files Archive page.

Program Trading Reports

Due to the elimination of NYSE Program Trading account type indicators, as well as other account type indicators, the NYSE will no longer publish weekly program trading reports. Historical data will be available on this site for prior reports, with the last report published on Thursday May 5, 2016, recapping activity for the week of April 25, 2016. A link to the full notice on account type indicator reduction is available below.